Rules and Regulations







Rule 1. 

The name of the club shall be ''Northern Boston Terrier Club of England'', hereinafter referred to as the Club.  It's aims and objectives being to promote the well-being, breeding, exhibiting and education of the Boston Terrier as a breed.



Rule 2.

The Club shall consist of an unlimited number of members.  The membership list will be held by the Secretary and made available for inspection if so requested by the members of the Club, the Kennel Club and be available at all events and meetings of the club.


Rule 3.  Application for membership shall be via the Club official membership form and must be signed by both applicant(s) and members proposing and seconding the applicant who must be fully paid up Club members of twelve months standing, and personally acquainted with the applicant. Members resident outside the U.K with the exception of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man will not have voting rights and will receive all club publications by e-mail.

 On signing  the Club membership form applicants give an undertaking to be bound by the rules and Code of Ethics of the Club.

New members shall be accepted provisionally  once the Club Treasurer receives  payment of the annual subscription, and their election to the Club shall be confirmed by a majority vote at the next Committee Meeting.  Applicants shall be informed in writing by the Secretary of the committee decision When the applicant has been accepted by the Committee the Honorary Secretary shall send the new member the  Club Rules and Code of Ethics By signing the membership application form prospective members acknowledge that the decision of the committee to refuse any candidate’s membership shall be final and they shall not be bound to give any reason for this decision.

In the event of the election not being confirmed the subscription shall be returned in full.


Rule 4.  The Hon. Secretary shall notify members during the first two weeks of December that membership renewal date is the 1st January. Any person whose membership is not paid by 1st April shall cease to be a member of the Club.


Rule 5. Members must notify the Secretary of any change of name or contact details


Rule 6. The Committee may recommend Honorary Life Membership  for confirmation at the A.G.M in recognition for services to the club and breed. The membership may also make recommendations which must be sent in writing to the Hon. Sec for consideration by the committee. Honorary members shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of membership.


Rule 7. Any member may resign his/her membership by giving notice in writing to the Hon. Sec. and upon receipt  will come into effect immediately, and upon ceasing to be a member forfeits all rights to and claims upon the club its members, property and funds.


Rule 8. The affairs of the Club shall be vested in an Hon. President, Vice President and a Committee consisting of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and ten members with power to co-opt a specialist in any field, or to fill any vacancy that may occur.


The Committee once elected will stand for a 3year term. After which period the committee will retire/be re-elected on rotation If a vacancy all nominees for committee shall have been members of the Club for the previous 12 months.


All nominations for offices and committee, which must be signed by two members of the Club other than the nominee, whose consent must be obtained in writing, shall be received by the Secretary by the close of business 35 days prior to the AGM.

Election of committee and Officers if so required shall be by postal ballot.

Voting papers along with all nominees  CVs will be sent to fully paid members giving details of all candidates, and meetings attended and must be returned to the scrutineer appointed by the committee within 14 days of the meeting.


The Auditor who must be a qualified accountant shall be appointed by the Committee and confirmed at the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of the Committee.

The Chairperson of all meetings shall have a casting vote.



Rule 9.All members shall receive in writing or email, not less than 42 days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting. Any nominations and resolutions to be placed on the agenda, duly proposed and seconded, to be received in writing by the secretary not less than 35 days prior to the AGM, and members to receive notice of nominations and resolutions not less than 14 days prior to the AGM.

The financial year of the club shall be from January 1st to December 31st and the Annual General Meeting shall:-

Receive the result of the ballot for the Club Committee for the ensuing year.

Confirm the appointment of the Auditors for the ensuing year.

Receive certified accounts for the preceding year. A statement of accounts shall be available 14 days prior to the A.G.M and furnished to all members. Transact such business as the Kennel Club Rules permit.

Certification of accounts must be carried out by one qualified accountant, or two unqualified individuals with accountancy experience, unconnected to the committee.

Only fully paid up members of at least 12 months standing and whose subs are paid 35 days prior to the A.G.M are allowed to vote.


Rule 10.  All officers and at least 5 of the 12 Committee Members must reside within the area south of the Scottish Border and North of a line across Leicester from East to West. (All Officers and Committee Members must have been paid up members for the previous 12 months and subscriptions paid up for the current year 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.


Rule 11. The Chairman and Vice Chairman may not hold office for more than three successive years, unless re-nominated, seconded and re-elected.



Rule 12.  A quorum for committee meetings must consist of two executive

 officers (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer) and four Committee Members.


Rule 13. Minutes of all meetings shall be recorded in the minute book and those of the last meeting shall be approved and signed by the meeting’s chairperson.


Rule 14. The Committee shall have the power to deal with and dispose of any urgent matter that may arise and which is not provided for in these Rules. In the event of an emergency arising, an emergency Committee shall be formed consisting of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and at least four Committee Members to settle all matters appertaining thereto. Full details must be presented for approval at the next committee meeting.


Rule 15. The Club committee will produce annually new lists of Judges and submit them to the Kennel Club as part of the Clubs Annual Returns.  The Club judging lists and criteria meeting Kennel Club requirements must be available on the club web site.


Rule 16. The committee shall appoint a trophy secretary who will be responsible for making all trophies  available at Club Shows for display/photographic purposes. All Cups/Trophies held by the club should be valued every 5 yrs. and insured, this being the responsibility of the Trophy Secretary. 



Rule 17. The Treasurer shall with committee authorisation open Banking Accounts in the name of the Club into which revenues of the Club shall be paid, and from which withdrawals shall only be made on the signature of 2 Officers, one of which shall be the Treasurer.

The Treasurer shall receive all monies payable to the club and issue receipts

No financial liabilities shall be incurred, or extraordinary payments made, except under special or general authorisation of the Committee.

The Treasure at every committee meeting shall account for all financial transactions with a financial statement and all bank statements for verification.

The Treasurer undertakes responsibility for the safe keeping of all financial documents and upon relinquishment of office shall immediately pass all documents and monies held to the Secretary or incoming Treasurer.


Rule 18. The Secretary is responsible for all day to day correspondence of the club, taking of committee minutes, upkeep of minute book and correspondence as instructed by the committee.  Upon leaving office all paperwork should be handed over to the incoming Secretary or Chairman of the club.


Rule 19. Special General Meetings may be called specifying the exact business of the meeting;  at which discussion must be confined by:- (a) A requisition signed by 20 members. (b) The Committee. 21 days’ notice of such a meeting shall be sent to all members.


Rule 20. The quorum of all General Meetings shall be 15 of all members there present.


Rule 21. If the conduct of any Member shall, in the opinion of the committee of the Club be injurious or likely to be injurious to the character or interest of the Club, the Committee of the Club may, at a meeting the notice convening which includes as an object the consideration of the conduct of the Member, determine that a Special General Meeting of the Club shall be called for the purpose of passing a resolution to expel him/her.

Notice of the Special General Meeting shall be sent to the accused member, giving particulars of the complaint and advising the place, date and hour of the Meeting that he/she may attend and offer an explanation. If at the Meeting, a resolution to expel is passed by two thirds majority of the Members present and voting, his/her name shall forthwith be erased from the list of Members, he/she shall thereupon cease for all purposes to be a Member of the Club except that he/ she may, within two calendar months from the date of such Meeting appeal to the Kennel Club upon and subject to such condition as the Kennel Club may impose.

Any member who shall be disqualified under Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(5) and/or Kennel Club Rule A11.j.(9) shall ipso facto cease to be a member of the Club.


Rule 22. No person whilst an undischarged bankrupt may serve on the Committee or hold any other office or appointment within a Kennel Club registered society.


Rule 23. The officers acknowledge that during the month of January each year Maintenance of Title fees will be forwarded to the Kennel Club by the Secretary for continuance of Registration and that by 31st July each Year, other returns, as stipulated in Kennel Club Regulations for the registration and Maintenance of Title of Societies and Breed Councils and the Affiliation of Agricultural Societies and Municipal Authorities be forwarded to the Kennel Club.


Rule 24. The Kennel Club is the final authority for interpreting the Rules and Regulations of the Society in all cases relative to Canine or Society matters.


Rule 25.  The officers also acknowledge their duty to inform the Kennel Club of any changes of Secretary of the Club which may occur during the course of the year.


Rule 26. If at any General Meeting a resolution for the dissolution of the Club shall be passed by a majority of two thirds of the Ordinary Members present and voting thereon the Committee shall thereupon, or at a future date as shall be specified in such resolution, proceed to realise the property of the Club and after the discharge of all liabilities shall dispose of the Club Funds, Cups etc., in such manner as in consultation with the Kennel Club, shall be determined


Rule 27. The Rules of the Club shall not be altered except by a majority vote at an A.G.M or a  General Meeting, the notice for which contains specific proposals to amend the rules, and such alterations shall not be brought into force until the Kennel Club has been advised and given its approval of the alterations.


 Rule 28.  A copy of the current rules will be available on the club website.





 Northern Boston Terrier Club of England - General Code of Ethics


All members of the Northern Boston Terrier Club of England undertake to abide by its General Code of Ethics.


Club Members:


1.Will properly house, feed, water and exercise all dogs under their care and arrange appropriate veterinary attention if and when required.


  1. Will agree without reservation that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs which alters the natural confirmation of the animal or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operation to the Kennel Club.


3.Will agree that no healthy puppy be culled. Puppies which may not conform to the breed standard should be placed in suitable homes.


  1. Will abide with all aspects of the animal welfare act.


  1. Will not create demand for, nor supply puppies that have been docked illegally.


  1. Will agree not to breed from a dog or bitch which could be in anyway harmful to the dog or to the breed.


  1. Will not allow any of their dogs to roam at large or to cause a nuisance to neighbours or those carrying out official duties.


  1. Will ensure their dogs wear properly tagged collars and will be kept leashed or under effective control when away from home.


  1. Will clean up after their dogs in public places or anywhere their dogs are being exhibited.


  1. Will only sell dogs where there is reasonable expectation of a happy and healthy life and will help with re-homing of a dog if the initial circumstances change.


  1. Will Supply written details of all dietary requirements and give guidance concerning responsible ownership when placing dogs in a new home.


12.Will ensure all relevant Kennel Club documents are provided to the new owner when selling or transferring a dog, and will agree in writing to forward any relevant documents at earliest opportunity, if not immediately available.


  1. Will not sell any dog to commercial dog wholesalers, retail pet dealers or directly or indirectly allow dogs to be given as a prize or donation in a competition of any kind. Will not sell by sale or auction Kennel Club registration certificates as stand alone items (not accompanying a dog).


  1. Will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed or falsely advertise dogs nor mislead any person regarding the health or quality of the dog.


15.Stud dog owners should have due consideration for the health and welfare of the breed.


(a).The stud dog owner must ensure that there are valid reasons for any bitch being mated and determine, as far as possible, that the owners of the bitch can whelp and care for the puppies.

(b) Commercial consideration must not be a reason for providing



  1. No dog with physical or hereditary defect known to be detrimental to the breed should be used in a breeding programme. Controlled breeding programmes now in existence or to be introduced, should follow British Veterinary Association/Kennel Club guidelines from individual Boston Terrier Clubs.


Breach of these provisions may result in expulsion from the Club Membership, and/or disciplinary action by the Kennel Club and/or reporting to the relevant authorities for legal action, as appropriate.


Updated September 2018

Committee & Quorum numbers updated 2022